Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License under MIT

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import contextlib
import base64
import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import time
import tempfile
import warnings
import logging
import uuid
import xml.dom.minidom

from uiautomator import AutomatorDevice as UiaDevice
from uiautomator import AutomatorDeviceObject
from PIL import Image

from atx import consts
from atx import errors
from atx import patch
from atx import base
from atx import imutils
from atx import strutils
from atx.drivers import Bounds
from atx import logutils
from atx.drivers.mixin import DeviceMixin, hook_wrap
from atx import adbkit

_DISPLAY_RE = re.compile(
    r'.*DisplayViewport{valid=true, .*orientation=(?P<orientation>\d+), .*deviceWidth=(?P<width>\d+), deviceHeight=(?P<height>\d+).*')

_PROP_PATTERN = re.compile(

_INPUT_METHOD_RE = re.compile(

_DEFAULT_IME = 'com.netease.atx.assistant/.ime.Utf7ImeService'

UINode = collections.namedtuple('UINode', [
    'selected', 'checkable', 'clickable', 'scrollable', 'focusable', 'enabled', 'focused', 'long_clickable',
    'index', 'resource_id',
    'text', 'content_desc',

log = logutils.getLogger(__name__)

def getenvs(*names):
    for name in names:
        if os.getenv(name):
            return os.getenv(name)

[docs]class AndroidDevice(DeviceMixin): def __init__(self, serial=None, **kwargs): """Initial AndroidDevice Args: serial: string specify which device Returns: AndroidDevice object Raises: EnvironmentError """ self.__display = None serial = serial or getenvs('ATX_ADB_SERIALNO', 'ANDROID_SERIAL') self._host = kwargs.get('host') or getenvs('ATX_ADB_HOST', 'ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_HOST') or '' self._port = int(kwargs.get('port') or getenvs('ATX_ADB_PORT', 'ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT') or 5037) self._adb_client = adbkit.Client(self._host, self._port) self._adb_device = self._adb_client.device(serial) self._adb_shell_timeout = 30.0 # max adb shell exec time kwargs['adb_server_host'] = kwargs.pop('host', self._host) kwargs['adb_server_port'] = kwargs.pop('port', self._port) self._uiauto = UiaDevice(serial, **kwargs) DeviceMixin.__init__(self) self._randid = base.id_generator(5) self.screen_rotation = None self.screenshot_method = consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_AUTO # inherts from atx-uiautomator self.swipe = self._uiauto.swipe self.drag = self._uiauto.drag = self.long_click = self._uiauto.long_click self.dump = self._uiauto.dump @property def info(self): return @property def uiautomator(self): """ Returns: uiautomator: Device object describes in """ return self._uiauto # TODO: not working in java-uiautomator # def swipe_points(self, points, steps=100): # """ # Args: # points: array of points, eg: [(10, 12), (40, 15)] # steps: the number of steps for the gesture. Steps are injected about 5 milliseconds apart, so 100 steps may take around 0.5 seconds to complete. # Returns: # a boolean value represents if all touch events for this gesture are injected successfully # """ # return self._uiauto.swipePoints(points, steps) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._uiauto(*args, **kwargs) @property def serial(self): """ Android Device Serial Number """ return self._adb_device.serial @property def adb_server_host(self): return self._host @property def adb_server_port(self): return self._port @property def adb_device(self): return self._adb_device @property def wlan_ip(self): """ Wlan IP """ return self.adb_shell(['getprop', 'dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress']).strip()
[docs] def forward(self, device_port, local_port=None): """Forward device port to local Args: device_port: port inside device local_port: port on PC, if this value is None, a port will random pick one. Returns: tuple, (host, local_port) """ port = self._adb_device.forward(device_port, local_port) return (self._host, port)
[docs] def current_app(self): """Get current app (package, activity) Returns: namedtuple ['package', 'activity', 'pid'] activity, pid maybe None Raises: RuntimeError """ AppInfo = collections.namedtuple('AppInfo', ['package', 'activity', 'pid']) try: ai = self._adb_device.current_app() return AppInfo(ai['package'], ai['activity'], ai.get('pid')) except RuntimeError: return AppInfo(['currentPackageName'], None, None)
@property def current_package_name(self): return['currentPackageName']
[docs] def is_app_alive(self, package_name): """ Deprecated: use current_package_name instaed. Check if app in running in foreground """ return['currentPackageName'] == package_name
[docs] def sleep(self, secs=None): """Depreciated. use delay instead.""" if secs is None: self._uiauto.sleep() else: self.delay(secs)
@property def display(self): """Virtual keyborad may get small['displayHeight'] """ for line in self.adb_shell('dumpsys display').splitlines(): m =, 0) if not m: continue w = int('width')) h = int('height')) return collections.namedtuple('Display', ['width', 'height'])(w, h) else: w, h =['displayWidth'],['displayHeight'] return collections.namedtuple('Display', ['width', 'height'])(w, h) @property def rotation(self): """ Rotaion of the phone 0: normal 1: home key on the right 2: home key on the top 3: home key on the left """ if self.screen_rotation in range(4): return self.screen_rotation return self.adb_device.rotation() or['displayRotation'] @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r): if not isinstance(r, int): raise TypeError("r must be int") self.screen_rotation = r def _minicap_params(self): """ Used about 0.1s uiautomator is now well working with device which has virtual menu. """ rotation = self.rotation # rotation not working on SumSUNG 9502 return '{x}x{y}@{x}x{y}/{r}'.format( x=self.display.width, y=self.display.height, r=rotation*90) def _mktemp(self, suffix='.jpg'): prefix= 'atx-tmp-{}-'.format(uuid.uuid1()) return tempfile.mktemp(prefix=prefix, suffix='.jpg') def _screenshot_minicap(self): phone_tmp_file = '/data/local/tmp/_atx_screen-{}.jpg'.format(self._randid) local_tmp_file = self._mktemp() command = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp /data/local/tmp/minicap -P {} -s > {}'.format( self._minicap_params(), phone_tmp_file) try: self.adb_shell(command) self.adb_cmd(['pull', phone_tmp_file, local_tmp_file]) image = imutils.open_as_pillow(local_tmp_file) # Fix rotation not rotate right. (width, height) = image.size if self.screen_rotation in [1, 3] and width < height: image = image.rotate(90, Image.BILINEAR, expand=True) return image except IOError: raise IOError("Screenshot use minicap failed.") finally: self.adb_shell(['rm', phone_tmp_file]) base.remove_force(local_tmp_file) def _screenshot_uiauto(self): tmp_file = self._mktemp() self._uiauto.screenshot(tmp_file) try: return imutils.open_as_pillow(tmp_file) except IOError: raise IOError("Screenshot use uiautomator failed.") finally: base.remove_force(tmp_file) # @hook_wrap(consts.EVENT_CLICK)
[docs] def do_tap(self, x, y): """ Touch specify position Args: x, y: int Returns: None """ return, y)
def _take_screenshot(self): screen = None if self.screenshot_method == consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_UIAUTOMATOR: screen = self._screenshot_uiauto() elif self.screenshot_method == consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_MINICAP: screen = self._screenshot_minicap() elif self.screenshot_method == consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_AUTO: try: screen = self._screenshot_minicap() self.screenshot_method = consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_MINICAP except IOError: screen = self._screenshot_uiauto() self.screenshot_method = consts.SCREENSHOT_METHOD_UIAUTOMATOR else: raise TypeError('Invalid screenshot_method') return screen
[docs] def raw_cmd(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Return subprocess.Process instance ''' return self.adb_device.raw_cmd(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def adb_cmd(self, command, **kwargs): ''' Run adb command, for example: adb(['pull', '/data/local/tmp/a.png']) Args: command: string or list of string Returns: command output ''' kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs.get('timeout', self._adb_shell_timeout) if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): return self.adb_device.run_cmd(*list(command), **kwargs) return self.adb_device.run_cmd(command, **kwargs)
[docs] def adb_shell(self, command, **kwargs): ''' Run adb shell command Args: command: string or list of string Returns: command output ''' if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): return self.adb_cmd(['shell'] + list(command), **kwargs) else: return self.adb_cmd(['shell'] + [command], **kwargs)
@property def properties(self): ''' Android Properties, extracted from `adb shell getprop` Returns: dict of props, for example: {'ro.bluetooth.dun': 'true'} ''' props = {} for line in self.adb_shell(['getprop']).splitlines(): m = _PROP_PATTERN.match(line) if m: props['key')] ='value') return props
[docs] def start_app(self, package_name, activity=None, stop=False): ''' Start application Args: - package_name (string): like com.example.app1 - activity (string): optional, activity name Returns time used (unit second), if activity is not None Document: usage: adb shell am start -D: enable debugging -W: wait for launch to complete --start-profiler <FILE>: start profiler and send results to <FILE> --sampling INTERVAL: use sample profiling with INTERVAL microseconds between samples (use with --start-profiler) -P <FILE>: like above, but profiling stops when app goes idle -R: repeat the activity launch <COUNT> times. Prior to each repeat, the top activity will be finished. -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity --opengl-trace: enable tracing of OpenGL functions --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user. ''' _pattern = re.compile(r'TotalTime: (\d+)') if activity is None: self.adb_shell(['monkey', '-p', package_name, '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER', '1']) else: args = ['-W'] if stop: args.append('-S') output = self.adb_shell(['am', 'start'] + args + ['-n', '%s/%s' % (package_name, activity)]) m = if m: return int(
[docs] def stop_app(self, package_name, clear=False): ''' Stop application Args: package_name: string like com.example.app1 clear: bool, remove user data Returns: None ''' if clear: self.adb_shell(['pm', 'clear', package_name]) else: self.adb_shell(['am', 'force-stop', package_name]) return self
[docs] def takeSnapshot(self, filename): ''' Deprecated, use screenshot instead. ''' warnings.warn("deprecated, use snapshot instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.screenshot(filename)
def _parse_xml_node(self, node): # ['bounds', 'checkable', 'class', 'text', 'resource_id', 'package'] __alias = { 'class': 'class_name', 'resource-id': 'resource_id', 'content-desc': 'content_desc', 'long-clickable': 'long_clickable', } def parse_bounds(text): m = re.match(r'\[(\d+),(\d+)\]\[(\d+),(\d+)\]', text) if m is None: return None return Bounds(*map(int, m.groups())) def str2bool(v): return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") def convstr(v): return v.encode('utf-8') parsers = { 'bounds': parse_bounds, 'text': convstr, 'class_name': convstr, 'resource_id': convstr, 'package': convstr, 'checkable': str2bool, 'scrollable': str2bool, 'focused': str2bool, 'clickable': str2bool, 'enabled': str2bool, 'selected': str2bool, 'long_clickable': str2bool, 'focusable': str2bool, 'password': str2bool, 'index': int, 'content_desc': convstr, } ks = {} for key, value in node.attributes.items(): key = __alias.get(key, key) f = parsers.get(key) if value is None: ks[key] = None elif f: ks[key] = f(value) for key in parsers.keys(): ks[key] = ks.get(key) ks['xml'] = node return UINode(**ks)
[docs] def dump_nodes(self): """Dump current screen UI to list Returns: List of UINode object, For example: [UINode( bounds=Bounds(left=0, top=0, right=480, bottom=168), checkable=False, class_name='android.view.View', text='', resource_id='', package='com.sonyericsson.advancedwidget.clock')] """ xmldata = self._uiauto.dump() dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmldata.encode('utf-8')) root = dom.documentElement nodes = root.getElementsByTagName('node') ui_nodes = [] for node in nodes: ui_nodes.append(self._parse_xml_node(node)) return ui_nodes
[docs] def dump_view(self): """Current Page XML """ warnings.warn("deprecated, source() instead", DeprecationWarning) return self._uiauto.dump()
[docs] def source(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Dump page xml """ return self._uiauto.dump(*args, **kwargs)
def _escape_text(self, s, utf7=False): s = s.replace(' ', '%s') if utf7: s = s.encode('utf-7') return s
[docs] def keyevent(self, keycode): """call adb shell input keyevent ${keycode} Args: - keycode(string): for example, KEYCODE_ENTER keycode need reference: """ self.adb_shell(['input', 'keyevent', keycode])
[docs] def enable_ime(self, ime): """ Enable input methods Args: - ime(string): for example "android.unicode.ime/.Utf7ImeService" Raises: RuntimeError """ self.adb_shell(['ime', 'enable', ime]) self.adb_shell(['ime', 'set', ime]) from_time = time.time() while time.time() - from_time < 10.0: if ime == self.current_ime(): # and self._adb_device.is_keyboard_shown(): return time.sleep(0.2) else: raise RuntimeError("Error switch to input-method (%s)." % ime)
def _is_utf7ime(self, ime=None): if ime is None: ime = self.current_ime() return ime in [ 'android.unicode.ime/.Utf7ImeService', 'com.netease.atx.assistant/.ime.Utf7ImeService', 'com.netease.nie.yosemite/.ime.ImeService']
[docs] def prepare_ime(self): """ Change current method to adb-keyboard Raises: RuntimeError """ if self._is_utf7ime(): return True for ime in self.input_methods(): if self._is_utf7ime(ime): self.enable_ime(ime) return True return False
# raise RuntimeError("Input method for programers not detected.\n" + # "\tInstall with: python -m atx install atx-assistant") def _shell_type(self, text): first = True for s in text.split('%s'): if first: first = False else: self.adb_shell(['input', 'text', '%']) s = 's' + s if s == '': continue estext = self._escape_text(s) self.adb_shell(['input', 'text', estext])
[docs] def type(self, s, enter=False, next=False, clear=False, **ui_select_kwargs): """Input some text, this method has been tested not very stable on some device. "Hi world" maybe spell into "H iworld" Args: - s: string (text to input), better to be unicode - enter(bool): input enter at last - next(bool): perform editor action Next - clear(bool): clear text before type - ui_select_kwargs(**): tap then type The android source code show that space need to change to %s insteresting thing is that if want to input %s, it is really unconvinent. android source code can be found here. app source see here: """ if ui_select_kwargs: ui_object = self(**ui_select_kwargs) if clear: self.clear_text() utext = strutils.decode(s) if self.prepare_ime(): estext = base64.b64encode(utext.encode('utf-7')) self.adb_shell(['am', 'broadcast', '-a', 'ADB_INPUT_TEXT', '--es', 'format', 'base64', '--es', 'msg', estext]) else: self._shell_type(utext) if enter: self.keyevent('KEYCODE_ENTER') if next: # FIXME(ssx): maybe KEYCODE_NAVIGATE_NEXT self.adb_shell(['am', 'broadcast', '-a', 'ADB_EDITOR_CODE', '--ei', 'code', '5'])
[docs] def clear_text(self, count=100): """Clear text Args: - count (int): send KEY_DEL count """ self.prepare_ime() self.keyevent('KEYCODE_MOVE_END') self.adb_shell(['am', 'broadcast', '-a', 'ADB_INPUT_CODE', '--ei', 'code', '67', '--ei', 'repeat', str(count)])
[docs] def input_methods(self): """ Get all input methods Return example: ['', 'android.unicode.ime/.Utf7ImeService'] """ imes = [] for line in self.adb_shell(['ime', 'list', '-s', '-a']).splitlines(): line = line.strip() if re.match('^.+/.+$', line): imes.append(line) return imes
[docs] def current_ime(self): ''' Get current input method ''' dumpout = self.adb_shell(['dumpsys', 'input_method']) m = if m: return
# Maybe no need to raise error # raise RuntimeError("Canot detect current input method")